Today was very productive.
I am starting a garden, today was mostly ground work. Apparently desert soil is not the best to grow things in so there is some prep work to be done, but that's ok I had lots of help today!
Next, I rode my bike to my workout (3miles), worked out with my trainer as I do 2x week, then rode home. I finished up some ground work then headed to team captain meeting for the Ragnar Relay which is 7 days away! I was scared about this race coming up so soon because I have not trained like I wanted to because I keep having flair-ups of this left IT band stemming from my rollerskating crash before Christmas........I am past being scared and pretty much just laugh at the mere thought of it now. I foresee a lot of pain, crying, crawling, laughing, etc.....and of course pics to document my monumental torture!
I had an egg white and veggie omelet this morning with a broccoli pancake; it didn't hold me over at all like my oatmeal does. I recently bought some oat bran so I am thinking of trying it tomorrow am. Speaking of tomorrow.....more gardening, light run, and oh I forgot to update you on my interview earlier this week.......that is because when I showed up to the interview it had been cancelled only no one felt the need to notify me of the cancellation and need to reschedule; I am less than impressed with the company and have not called back to reschedule the interview. I did however get a call about another short term assignment that looks promising and hope to hear some more on it tomorrow! Here are some pics of my little garden helpers! "Barnacle Bo", "Squidney", and "Kirb the Burb" our own little snowbird house guest! And finally, let me just say I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR IN AZ!!!!! so, so, so beautiful today!

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