Somehow I convinced my *very sore* friend to go hiking with me today. I had my camera with me just in case we ran into any snakes, but of course because I was with someone else we didn't. If I would have went by myself I probably would have come upon 2 or 3 rattlesnakes in the parking lot! We hiked the National-Mormon Loop in South Mountain Preserve - total 6 miles with total elevation gain of I think around 700 feet. One of these days I will be cool and own a
garmin! It was super sunny out and getting pretty warm by the time I got around to going at 11 this morning. This evening I foam rolled my legs and did my 3rd day in a row of the yoga for runners. I am liking this 20 minutes yoga feels good except for one pose where you lay on your shoulder? I am just going to start skipping that one. Last night my boyfriend went to the store for dog food and came back with these!

If you look closely you can see the orchid he got me for Valentine's Day!

I LOVE having fresh flowers on the table, but cut flowers don't last so it is very cool that I get actual planted flowers! Last year I got my mom a mini rose bush for Mother's Day. She kept it inside for the winter (she lives where that white stuff falls and the thermometer actually goes below the freezing point).....she has had roses blooming all winter!
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