Friday, June 17, 2011

"Filthy 25"

Yesterday for breakfast I attempted some almond meal/flour pancakes. As you can see my first few were an epic fail!

I did get two that actually resembled a pancake. My first bite I was unsure then I kind of started liking the taste. Much different texture and taste than a regular pancake, but not bad. I will have to tweak the recipe a bit and continue to review some recipes online to find what works best!

On to the good stuff!

Today at crossfit we started a four week challenge. Our WOD was....

The Filthy Fifty

For time:
50 Box jumps (16 inch box),
50 Jumping pull-ups,
50 Kettlebell swings (8kg bell),
Walking Lunge 50 steps,
50 Knees to elbows,
50 Push press (35 pounds),
50 Back extensions,
50 medicine balll squat/throw
50 Burpees,
50 Double unders (150 regular jumps)

Now because I am still a new girl we did 1/2 so 25 of all of the above except the full 150 jumps with jumprope (the weights and notes in parenthesis are strictly what I was at being new). The burpees about killed me, ughhh! I suck at jumping rope and can't do a double under.....YET! My time was 18:06. In four weeks we will repeat the same workout and see how well we improve our time. There are some really awesome chicks that someday I hope to grow up and be like. One lady finished the full fifty just a few minutes after I finished my 1/2, LOL! AWESOME!!!

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