Sunday, October 30, 2011


I'm playing hookie today from work......sometimes you just need what I like to call and "mental health day".  I was so tired yesterday and then didn't get any sleep last night. 

This past week was pretty fun at our box.  They are celebrating the one year anniversary of opening and so all week we had team competition between the various class times.  It all came down to Fridays WOD which also just happened to be Grace.  Anyways the prescribed weight for females in this WOD is 95lbs!!!!  Our high and what I had to do was 30 clean and jerks at 75lbs for time.  Previous to Friday I had only done 65lbs on clean and jerks as it is a pretty new lift for me.  It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fast but I rocked Grace out in 7:01 to help our team win the highest load point......btw we also had some pretty fast girls with some lower weights and we won the point for fastest overall times as well!

As a treat I made cookies!

AMAZING!!!!!  I love my new cookbook.

I also spent another afternoon on the lake!  I so want a paddleboard!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't tried the paddleboard yet - maybe next summer.

    I have a long way to go w/ weights. My form is pretty sketchy, so I've held back on adding the lbs.
